Say you win, and you don’t have that special someone at the moment. No problem! Here are five ways to enjoy your massive lobster tails gift if you are single:
1. Eat Up!
Everybody likes a challenge. If you can polish off these two tails on your own, you’ll be well-prepared for your long winter’s nap, my friend. Be careful, though. Don’t hurt yourself. We aren’t kidding when we say “huge.”
2. Be Someone’s Best Friend.
Invite a friend over to watch the game. They’ll be expecting chips and dip, and you pull out lobster! Of course…you might be setting the bar a little high for future games, but you can cross that bridge when you get there (or you can just order more! We’ve got plenty here).
3. Be the Hit of New Year’s Eve
Everybody brings something. Wait till they see you walk in with a massive bowl of lobster dip, or a tray of lobster roll. Yours will be the first invitation they send out next year, for sure.
4. Be Generous
As they sat, ’tis better to give, than to receive. Especially when you still have one back at the house.
5. Find That Special Someone
Invite someone you’d like to be that special someone over for dinner. Surprise them with a slightly scaled back version of the dinner for two we already described (you don’t want to scare them off). Make it a first date they’ll never forget.
Sure, as with the friend on game day, you might be setting the bar a little high…but come one, this is love! Isn’t it worth it?
These are just a few suggestions. Of course, you can’t win if you don’t enter the contest!