Are you planning to dine in and stay home this weekend after a hard week’s work? How about lobster dinner and a movie? Perhaps you can find an old film that features the king of crustacean and treat yourself to a delicious meal at the same time. Or perhaps a newer release like the movie, The Lobster (2016)?

Lobsters Featured in the Movies
What are your favorite lobster movie moments? The Lobster Man from Mars (1989), with Patrick McNee, is a movie about a young film student trying to sell his monster film to a producer who goes under, and as a result, the student takes the producer’s place. The monster in the movie is a huge lobster with claws – very slimy and ugly. See and hear the movie the trailer above: “Meet the crabby crustacean from a far away world who has clawed his way to the top of Tinsel Town.”

But, is this movie really so dated when we are paying to see current blockbuster movies like Cowboys and Aliens (2011) today? In the movie, Starship Troopers (1997), monsters resembling huge lobsters readily attack the military. Nantucket is overrun by lobsters in One Crazy Summer (1986), and they become targets for a neighborhood shooting practice. In Leonard, Part 6 (1987), Bill Cosby, who plays a secret agent, is attacked by lobsters.
And there are many more movies to enjoy with your lobster dinner. In Miracle Mile, 1988, the lead actors buy two lobsters and set free instead of eating them, and wish to free all the lobsters in the tank. But, the plot is actually a story about the start of a nuclear war. In A Lobster Tale, 2006 a man catching lobsters also nets a strange seaweed moss with healing powers that becomes associated with the lobster.
There are other themes that go with dinner. Jennifer Beals eats lobster suggestively in a scene from Flashdance (1983), and in the Naked Gun 2 ½ (1992), with Leslie Nielsen and Priscilla Presley, the stars enjoy a hilarious lobster dinner. Then there is Summer Rental (1985) with John Candy, who is overweight and loves to eat, but can’t afford lobster, which was considered a real luxury when this film was made. Do you remember Darryl Hannah in Splash (1984), who is a mermaid, but eats lobster at the dinner table with Tom Hanks?
We may be dating ourselves, but who can forget Diane Keaton and Woody Allen’s reaction in Annie Hall (1977) when the actors attempt to boil a live lobster and Annie waves it at her boyfriend before it is dropped in the pot. Boiling lobster makes some people squeamish and there are all those tales about lobsters screaming as they are cooked.
In the 2009 movie, Julia and Julia, blogger Julie Powell attempts a lobster recipe, as part of her challenge to cook all the recipes Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume I, in a period of 365 days.

Has anyone seen Brooklyn Lobster, 2005, with Danny Aiello and Jane Curtin? It is a story about a man who owns a lobsters business and goes bankrupt. The lobster business and associated shop are the star actor’s identity. Frank Giorgio takes a loan to open up a restaurant to further expand his lobster business. His son returns home with his girlfriend to help his father run the business and capture lobsters. When the business fails, Frank loses his house and his wife separates from him. It is a touching story about a lobster farm and how the loss of the business affects the family’s finances and relationships.
On a lighter note, a psychic in the movie “Dinner for Schmucks” connects with the spirit of a lobster.

Or how about a nice cold beer with your lobster dinner? In this Budweiser Super Bowl commercial, a lobster takes a diner’s Budweiser hostage!

Who needs lobster crackers when you have big, strong “man hands. Jerry Seinfeld’s dinner date demonstrates her cracking technique by ripping open a cooked lobster with her bare hands. See her handy work. (Check out our instructions for how to crack open a Maine Lobster).

In this 201o teen flick, Easy A, Olive (Emma Stone) dons a lobster bib on her date at the fictitious Lobster Shack restaurant. The waitress states, “Maine lobster and crab with seafood stuff.” Olive declares, “Yummmm”!

The most recent movie featuring a lobster theme was the 2016 black comedy, The Lobster. This well received movie about modern romance (95% at Rotten Tomatoes) snapped up a few awards. In a dystopian society, if you are single for more than 45 days, you are turned into an animal of your choice. David (Colin Farrell) decides, if things don’t work out, he will become a lobster because “they’re blue-blooded, they stay fertile and they live over 100 years.” Also, because he loves swimming and the sea.
The LEGO Batman Movie (2017)is a hilarious movie about the lobster-loving Caped Crusader living a solitary, bachelor life in Gotham City. No, this animated movie is not just for kids.
If you decide to opt for lobster dinner and a movie, order it online and save time. delivers to your door and all you need is the movie. And, please don’t forget to send us a note about your favorite lobster movies or moments.