Have you thought of Mom yet? Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May. The National Restaurant Association has determined that Mother’s Day has proven to be the most popular dining-out day here in the United States. Will you take Mom to another over crowded Sunday brunch? Will you give her a pot of spring tulips?Will you pick up a box of those fancy drug store chocolates? Not sure what to get Mom well then we have the answer! Get her a special Maine lobster dinner shipped to her door step.
Lobster for Mother’s Day Dinner
The idea behind Mother’s Day has roots among the ancient Greeks, who kept a festival dedicated to Cybele, a great mother of gods.And ancient Romans honored their mothers on the feast day of Matronalia, dedicated to Juno, the goddess of childbirth. The predecessor to today’s holiday was created by English social activist Julia Ward Howe after the American Civil War, to unite mothers against war.
Will you take Mom to another overcrowded Sunday brunch? Make reservations at an overpriced steak house? Maybe you treat Mom to a nice relaxing lobster dinner at the local Red Lobster? On Mother’s Day last year a brawl broke out at the local Columbus, Georgia Red Lobster. Four men were arrested after video shows them attack a man eating his seafood. The video went viral. Not a bad idea to dine in this year for a Mother’s Day lobster dinner. No reservations required and you don’t have to wait to be seated.
Whether she’s your mother, aunt, daughter, mother-in-law, or a special lady who’s treated you with a mother’s love, show her how truly special she is with a lobster dinner delivered right to her front door, courtesy of LobsterAnywhere.com!

You know what they say…If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? No not pilgrims—Maine lobster for Mother’s Day! May is one of the best time’s to buy lobster. With the weather outside warming up, if there’s ever been a time for a lobster feast, it’s now. We’re currently seeing some of the best lobsters of the season coming across our docks and prices are coming down for the premium hard-shell lobsters.
3 Mother’s Day Lobster Gifts that are Better Than Flowers
Show Mom some love this Mother’s Day! Treat her to a special lobster dinner delivered right to her front door! Order Maine lobster by the pound or try one of our special lobster gift packages with free express shipping. Ship lobsters for all the mother’s in your life: grandmother’s, daughters, sisters, aunts, best friends, and yes even Mother’s-in-Law.
Free shippingCaptain’s Tails and TurfFrom $179.00
Free shippingMaine Squeeze Lobster DinnerFrom $139.00
Free shippingSweetheart Cove Lobster Dinner for TwoFrom $159.00
You may be her favorite, but it most likely has nothing to do with your cooking skills. Treating Mom to fresh seafood fare like this just might secure your spot as the family favorite. Whether Mom lives in Bangor, Maine or as faraway as Bangor, California, lobsteranywhere can deliver the freshest seafood just in time, guaranteed. Lobster Anywhere has shipped luxurious lobster gifts to Mom’s in every to state in the USA!
Lobster Gifts for Mom
Our live lobster gift packages come complete with steel crackers and forks wrapped in fine red and white checkered cotton napkins, step-by-step cooking instructions. And, of course, lobster bibs to undermine the dignity of the whole affair. Lobster gifts are elegantly packaged with the look and feel of old New England and shipped direct to you overnight, so they’re as fresh as if you went to the pound yourself. Treating Mom to gourmet seafood fare like this just might secure your spot as “Family Favorite”!
Don’t forget: Watch our video and get a discount code for a special Mother’s Day lobster dinner! Enter the code in the promo box at online checkout to reveal the deal.